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GRIT was present into Utech 2012

It was held in Maastricht from 17 to 19 April, the Fair UTECH to world experts in Polyurethanes. GRIT Sole officer Ramon Terrado and CEO, Toni Giralt, always at the forefront in the search for new challenges and innovation, have attended the exhibition of Maastricht to meet current market trends and the latest innovations in technical and commercial development.

GRIT in China refrigeration 2012 (CRH 2012)

Toni Giralt, CEO and Jaume Obrador, Director of Operations, visited the Great Exhibition Fair CRH 2012 in Beijing held from 11 to 13 April 2012 to commemorate its 25th anniversary, to learn about developments in the sector and assist as invited to several events organized by local businesses. This fair is a meeting point for Asian companies in the sector with companies from other continents. During these days when, companies tighten business and personal relationships between them, which is the basis for future business.

FEA Autumn Meeting 2011

Last September, held in Istanbul FEA (European Aerosol Federation) Autumn Meetings. Toni Giralt came on behalf of AEDA to the Board of Directors meeting. Through the various committees of FEA were treated technical and regulatory issues with the participation of specialists from the various associations belonging FEA.

R+D+i, new technology for degreasing animal skin

GRIT,S.L. in co-operation with the Multinational AKZO-NOBEL, has developed and patented worlwide, a new process for degreasing and dehidrating animal skin for the leather industry as well as food protein industry. This technology avoids the use of water which is always the main contamination source in traditional processes, basically for the use of tensoactives and additives which are difficult to remove from the original water.

R-434A (RS-45) makes easier R-22 replacement

Successful replacement of R-22 by our R-434A (RS-45). Gas Servei, GRIT distributor for RS Series (drop-in replacements for HCFC’S ), carried out at the beginning of the year a retrofit of R-22 in one of their customer‘s installations in a supermarket at the Condis Group to check the performance of R-434A.

RS, best solution

R-424A (RS-44). The ideal replacement of R-22 in air conditioning systems with a capillary tube. Since early this year, hundreds of units have been retrofitted in Spain using our direct drop-in without the need to modify the equipment or change the lubricant.